5 Tips For Maintaining Mining Equipment Properly

We all know mining the earth is serious business and it takes a lot of planning and heavy equipment to carry out the task. It takes special protocols and specific measures are taken to ensure that all goes smoothly and there are no mishaps either with the machinery or with the people involved in the process e.g. in excavator hire perth. Which is why, with such a high risk task, you don’t want anything to go wrong with your machinery or equipment. Here are 5 tips for maintaining mining equipment;

Making sure it’s lubricated

Lubrication is key. Since the equipment goes through so much resistance against the earth, it needs constant lubrication otherwise the parts and gears might dry up against such a large amount of friction and break down – or even worse, explode. Which is why you have to constantly keep an eye on lubricating the equipment, especially the heavy machinery to avoid that problem.

Cleaning it regularly

It is essential that mining equipment is cleaned thoroughly and regularly. You don’t want particles and elements getting stuck in the equipment and eventually rendering it useless. Even if you think nothing might be wrong or you could do without cleaning, you would be making a mistake. Because sometimes hindrances aren’t visible to the naked eye but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t there. So make sure you have the equipment cleaned no matter what.

Have a maintenance schedule

With such a high octane task, it helps to have a schedule for the maintenance of the equipment. When you’re dealing with such heavy duty mechanics, they are bound to suffer major resistance. So keep a regular check on all the parts of the machinery, and it helps if there is a recorded inventory of the equipment being used so there can be a better check on how well its being utilised or if it’s being exhausted. Keeping a maintenance schedule increases the life of your machinery as well as help you avoid any major problems in the long run.

Keeping an eye out for wear and tear

Mining isn’t an easy job when it comes to equipment handling. Parts of heavy machinery give out and are subjected to wear and tear much often than they would with any other machinery considering the job at hand is moving chunks of the might earth. Keep a keen eye out for any wear and tear!

Using resources efficiently

Considering with mining equipment, there is such an uphill task at hand, your resources need to be used efficiently. There can’t only be one person who’s worrying about all the cleaning, lubrication and maintenance issues. This responsibility has to be divided among multiple employees and some are even responsible for rechecking if the job has been done.

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